New year and new plans - what about your growth?
A gamer's career will only happen once. The path must be absolutely clear and without any flaw. Someone who finances gaming house will tell you.
Because you'll spoil your autopilot and you'll definitely start writing tweets and playing. But very poorly.
So you need a clean source! A source of true strength.
The end of the year is a time of resolutions and new plans.
Many people plan to enroll in the gym from January to take care of themselves. You know who doesn't quit after a month? The ones with the results.
They put on exercise and quickly notice changes.
It's cool to exercise and see the changes, right?
I have my own gym too. It's Gaming House. You can grow there too.
I've been sharing another dose of my thoughts every month for a while now.
Short courses focused on one issue turned out to be a hit.
The fastest results were visible. Since I focus on the effectiveness of the message, people with weak nerves and hypersensitive nature are asked not to cherish my entries... They have a deeper meaning and are not only about playing on the computer 24/h...